ClickCease Growing The Business From £100k To £2 Million Turnover - Westend - ActionCOACH

E-Commerce Growth Story

From £100k To £2 Million Turnover

Originally our profit was around the 8% net profit, now we’re at like 15%.

Dean Johnston,
Managing Director of The Fulfilment Hub

We’ve grown from our £100k year right up to £1.2 million which was an exponential change in the business…

…and something that wouldn’t have happened without that clear strong plan and actions that we took. Between two businesses, we are just under the £2 million mark.

Dean says ”If you’re feeling sceptical about it, then just give me a call”.

Since working with ActionCOACH, they have:

✔ From £100k to £2 million turnover.

✔ 87% net profit increase.

✔ A clear business direction.

Inspired by the success of others?

Claim your FREE business growth strategy session today with a Business Growth Specialist from ActionCOACH West End.